Enjoy Your Day
Friday, November 19, 2010
Every once in a while nature shows it’s colors. Actually, nature always shows it’s colors, but you must take the time to see it. Sure, being by the beach makes it easier.
After setting put for nearly two month, got ants in my pants, and needed to get the RV up going somewhere. I chose to go to the beach, Half way between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay, Ca. Been here many times before. Not to far from home in Mountain View, about 1.5 hr drive.
The weather was great for a couple of days. But this morning woke up to rain, and it looks like it will rain thru Sun. Not nice, but it feels good to get away with Bigfoot. This RV Resort is pretty large, as you can see they also have tent cabins.
There are lots of miles for hiking and mountain biking, and walking on the beach. But today is not a day for those nice activities. So, I will be RV bound doing, you guessed, computer stuff. Enjoy your day.